
Dana Venice

Introducing a 2019 recipient of the Nina Mastro Organization donation…Dana Venice.

Dana was nominated for her urge to always put others before herself. She is the epitome of strong! Dana was a long term resident of Bridgeport, and now lives in Joliet. Everyone who knows her knows she is the first in line to help other people. Dana is married with two sons. She is a loving sister in a very devoted family. She will be the first to tell you how blessed she is to have a family and friends that have been as supportive.

In March of 2018, she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon cancer that metastasized into her liver. The cancer had then spread to other areas, including her stomach lining. Dana still has quite the fight in front of her. She started chemo shortly after being diagnosed. In March of 2019 she had surgery to remove a tumor in her colon and both ovaries. In April 2019, she started chemo again and is now into round 30. She just recently started radiation for her Y90 procedure. Dana is fighting for the opportunity for a clinic trial as well as the use of chemo pills.

Unfortunately Dana lost her battle with cancer and gained her wings January 2020.


Bianca Frustaci

Introducing a 2019 recipient of the Nina Mastro Organization donation…Bianca Frustaci.

Bianca is a Bridgeport native who grew up giving back to her community by volunteering her time at the Valentine Boys & Girls Club.

At 21 years old, Bianca was diagnosed with Classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She completed 6 months of chemotherapy in July 2017. Bianca was doing great, in remission, and was enjoying life. Unfortunately in January 2019, at the age of 23, she relapsed and was diagnosed again with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. After doing extensive chemotherapy, her doctors decided to complete a stem cell transplant. Because of her extensive treatments, Bianca is unable to work due to her low immune system and high risk of getting infection. This diagnosis has caused a huge financial stress on her and her family. She has continued to remain positive while going through treatments.

Bianca has always chosen to give back to her community and we have chosen to give back to Bianca.

Continue your battle Bee! We admire your strength! #battlewithBEE


  • Avery Jocelyn Moy

    Avery Moy is 3 year old fighting a big monster called Rhabdomyosarcoma stage 4 embryonal Cancer since Thanksgiving 2019. After multiple hospital visits and extensive radiation and chemotherapy, we are happy to announce that as of December 2021, her cancer appears to be in remission.

  • Amy Arnold Hronopoulos

    In October of 2019 Amy Arnold Hronopoulos was diagnosed with stage 3 Invasive Lobular Carcinoma.

    Beginning that same month Amy went through 12 grueling rounds of chemotherapy, followed by 6 weeks of radiation, and a full mastectomy with reconstruction. Following that surgery it was discovered that Amy’s cancer had a genetic change and she would need a different chemotherapy to treat it. Amy is now enduring another 14 rounds of chemotherapy not scheduled to end until mid 2021.

  • Katie Smith-Popp

    Katie was diagnosed with Stage 2 HER2 positive Breast Cancer on July 15th 2020. This aggressive form of cancer has already spread to the lymph node under her arm and immediate treatment is needed. Katie will shortly begin 6 months of Chemotherapy followed by surgery and then 7 weeks of radiation. Katie is a 30 year old stay at home mother caring for her two children, 5 year old Olivia and 1 year old Michael.

  • Kelly Highland

    Kelly was diagnosed April 24, 2020 with anal cancer. She started treatments May 21st and was hospitalized in June and was in ICU for a over a week.

    It’s been an incredibly tough journey for Kelly these past few months, she is both physically and mentally exhausted.

  • Morgan Barcenas

    In July 2020, Morgan, was diagnosed with brain cancer and has been undergoing extensive chemotherapy treatment for the past several months.

    Morgan is married and caring for her 12 year old daughter. As of November 2021, Morgan has thankfully been in remission.

  • Finley Bracken

    Finley was a beautiful two year old girl that was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in October of 2019. She battled cancer as a warrior and a hero. While in eleven months of various treatments, Finley brought an entire community together to support her fight. Finley lost her battle with cancer and became our angel on 09.11.20. We realized that life is short, gratitude is important, and there are AMAZING people in this world. We started the Finley Forever Foundation in order to raise funds for other families like us that have been touched by this horrible disease. on goes here Please join us in supporting her cause www.finleyforever.com



Sophia Miller

In May of 2021, Sophia and her family’s world was turned upside down. They received the most unthinkable news: ten year old Sophia had a brain tumor. She immediately underwent extensive brain surgery to remove the tumor, now known as Medulloblastoma, or brain cancer. The surgery was successful, but due to the location of the tumor (the posterior fossa), Sophia lost most of her motor skills after surgery. She could no longer talk, walk, voluntarily move or swallow. Sophia spent 8 weeks in Rehabilitation receiving speech, occupational, and physical therapies. During that time she completed 6 weeks of Proton Radiation with weekly chemotherapy.

Sophia is currently attending Day Rehab at Shirley Ryan to continue to regain her motor skills all while receiving her weekly chemotherapy treatments. Treatment is expected until August, 2022. Sophia is working hard everyday to regain her motor abilities and fighting harder than any child should ever have to fight. She is her family’s hero #Sophiastrong

You can read more about Sophia’s story and donate below:



Madison Roberts

Madison is a beautiful, young, and vibrant 14 year old from Huntley, Illinois. She loves Irish dance and is looking forward to starting high school. In February 2022, after not feeling well for several weeks, Madison’s doctors delivered the news that she was diagnosed with T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).

Madison is currently on a 2 year treatment plan, including chemotherapy, with multiple doctors and hospital follow up visits at Lurie’s Children's Hospital of Chicago. Madison and her parents make many trips to downtown Chicago for treatment, leaving work early to attend therapy visits to help Madison regain strength.

After starting treatment Madison was not able to Irish dance this past season, although she continues to support her team by making appearances when she is able. She continues to touch so many lives and show strength at such a young age. We admire her bravery and look forward to the day she is able to take the stage again.

You can learn more about Madison’s story and follow her journey on their facebook group, Madison Strong


Rachel Lococo

Rachel is a Bridgeport resident, the proud owner of Cabana Tan, and is admired and loved by many. In March 2022 after several ER visits, doctors appointments, and CT scans, multiple lesions were discovered which suggested cancer cells were present and had spread. Rachel and her family's lives were changed forever. Rachel was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer with brain, bone, liver, kidney, and adrenal metastases with EGFR Exon 19 mutation. As of today, Rachel continues to fight and has completed months of chemotherapy enduring countless side effects with most recently an additional 10 more rounds of radiation to her spine and brain with continued chemotherapy

Despite all of these tragic events, Rachel remains happy, positive, and determined to beat this. She continues to find the positive in every single situation. To quote Rachel herself –“some people may say I have a lot to be unhappy about at this time in my life. I have to disagree. I’ve learned how to accept things out of my control and make the best of everything that gets thrown my way.”

Update: Rachel lost her battle to cancer April 2024. She will be truly missed

Beauden Corbett

Beauden is a bright eyed, 3 year old boy from Steger, IL. He is a brother to Braven (5) and Billie (10 months). In September of 2020, Beauden’s family was blindsided when doctors announced their son had Leukemia. From that point on, Beauden received 2 blood transfusions and surgery to place a port in the right side of his chest to go directly to his heart. He also had a lower lumbar puncture with his first round of chemotherapy that went directly into his spine, and a bone marrow biopsy performed on his right hip. The family stayed a week in the hospital while Beau continued to receive chemo and multiple medications.

Beauden is strong, and he has been resilient despite what he's had to endure. His road to recovery is going to be a long one. As long as his body is responding well, doctors estimate a 3 year treatment plan for Beauden. He will be back in for surgery at the end of October, and visits are weekly.

Beauden, we are praying for you and we can’t wait to hear about the day you win this fight!


In May 2022, Kelly received a call after a routine mammogram to come back for an ultrasound and biopsy. They found multiple spots and didn’t like the shape of them. On June 1st, Kelly was diagnosed with Stage One Breast Cancer.

In July 2022, Kelly had a lumpectomy to remove both spots and 2 lymph nodes. Her lymph nodes and margins were clear, but since the spot was high risk the doctor prescribed 4 rounds of chemo and 20 rounds of radiation.

Kelly started chemo in September and finished in November. She is currently in the process of receiving radiation.

Kelly has a 4 year old son Michael and spends her time enjoying it with family and friends! Kelly has been a huge supporter and friend of the Nina Mastro Organization


Brendan was diagnosed with stage IV neuroblastoma in July of 2021 at the young age of 2. After rounds of chemo and radiation, Brendan was in remission. Unfortunately, his scans this past September showed a tumor. He underwent surgery in October and thankfully is now recovering. He was able to celebrate Christmas at home with family.

Brendan is a fun loving and energetic little boy who adores Spider-Man. He comes from a traditional south side family with a mother who is a nurse. Brendan’s ongoing medical battle has his parents traveling back and forth to New York to seek advice from doctors there.

Update: Brendan lost his battle to cancer October 2023.


Isla Dorsey is our 2023 Nina Mastro Organization Recipient. Isla is a beautiful, young, and vibrant 4 year old. In May 2022, Isla was diagnosed with a cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma (cancer of the tissues found in her face, sinus, and nasal cavities). At the time of her diagnosis, it had metastasized to her lymph nodes on both sides of her neck, and she also had a spot on her lungs. Due to the aggressive nature of her tumor, within the week of diagnosis and starting treatment, the tumor grew causing pressure on her left optic nerve and she lost the sight in that eye. Her treatment consisted of 42 rounds of intense chemotherapy that she completed over 52 weeks with delays due to infections. She also completed 33 days of radiation treatment. Throughout this journey, Isla has had multiple hospital stays, emergency surgeries, infections, and the loss of hearing in her left ear. However, Isla had her routine scan this week and we are happy to hear that after 585 excruciating days Isla is CANCER FREE! Although this is the greatest outcome for Isla, there are still obstacles she has to endure. Isla is currently on the waitlist for a much needed dental surgery, due to the effects of radiation and chemo, and it is expected that she will need regular dental work done for the rest of her life. She will also need eye exams every 3-4 months because the chemo she received may have caused damage to her only seeing eye, and radiation will more than likely cause cataracts in her bad eye in the next few years. You can learn more about Isla’s story and follow her journey on their Facebook group, Infinite love for Isla.

If you would like to nominate a recipient for our organization’s donation please email us directly
